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I am a Software Engineer

The target product is like a work of art to me. A well-chosen name for a function or variable, high performance, an eye-catching design and a good UX are the factors that must be fulfilled for me to consider my project at least good.

About me

I have been interested in computer science since I was 14 years old. At that time I bought a book about Java, which I didn't like already at the moment of installation. The first major program I wrote was currently a troll virus, which my friends commissioned me to write. We uploaded it for the teacher when she left the room, because we had sent a text message to her, impersonating a delivery man, to move the car. When she entered the room and clicked any button, a timer fired up, which after 5 minutes caused the mouse to move in random directions, beep, and lock the keyboard. A good heap of laughs came out of it. In later years, I used my knowledge of IT, mostly to make jokes for teachers, to have a laugh with colleagues. In this way, I learned to program in C++, made, among other things, a game with a teacher in the starring role in unreal engine 4, and made approaches to artificial intelligence. I started spending most of my time learning math, because AI seemed pretty interesting to me. I had a lot of interesting stories in the future related to computer science, but there are so many that I could write a book about them.



Some of my best projects